Thursday, May 10, 2007
Friday, May 4, 2007
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Revamped PEI Hall Table Entered Into Year Of The Craft Juried Exhibition!

Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Chosen Dog of Ancient Legend Found: Bears Strange Birth Mark Resembling Atlantic Province Island.

Thursday, March 1, 2007
Boisterous Brunet Brethren Bring Blissful Buzz To Barren Bar!
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Best Friend Now Published Best Friend!

Woebegone Sea Dog Finds Shelter In Siren's Song!

Saturday, February 10, 2007
New Improved Gloves For Hard Working Snow Monkey; Moral Improves Dramatically!
Suprise, Suprise Something Else Manages To Explode On A Fracking Freezing February Day!
Monday, January 29, 2007
Holy Crap! Giant Pile of Man Made Snow!
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Lamp Submitted For Northern Lights Awards Fine Craft Contest

I got a lot of inspiration while doing this piece. I normally do a very oriental, symetrical design. The glass in a cube form on a wood base. But I tried to do something different, mainly because I didn't like how my first design hid the wood. I put the glass in a new configuration with a lot of empty wood space. The "kite" figure of glass and the "empty" wood space achieve a certain balance. The wood also plays a more prominant role. You can see the grain pattern. The mahoganny is also 2 inches thick. Heavy. Present. I think the result is interesting and opens a ton of new possibilities. There will be more "versions" of this lamp. I want to colaborate with a glass artist who can slump (melt glass into forms) and fuse glass. I was so excited I scribbled ideas on the wall just so I wouldn't forget.
I hope I win!
Feel free to order your own make out lamp.
Use it up, use it up. Don't save a thing for later.
Late Night Visit To Fire Department Yields Snow

It Ain't No Fun If Da Shnow Monkeys K'ant Have N'un

Laptop and Co-Conspirator Succeed In "Sydney Street" Destruction!!
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Failed attempt at song recording completion
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Haters of the world dis-unite

Happy Story
Mr. Hollopeter, a student at the New York Film Academy, was at the subway station at 137th Street/City College on Tuesday when he suffered a seizure and fell onto the tracks just as a train was approaching.
Mr. Autrey was standing on the platform with his daughters and scores of other subway riders when he saw Mr. Hollopeter convulsing on the tracks. As he watched, he thought: “I'm the only one to do it.”
He eyed the trough between the rails before jumping on top of the teenager, Mr. Autrey said, and relied on his experience as a construction worker used to “confined spaces” to calculate — in split seconds — that “maybe we have enough clearance.”
Before jumping, he said he made sure his daughters were okay and asked two women to hold their hands.
The southbound train grazed the top of his hat. He said he and Mr. Hollopeter remained there for 20 minutes while MTA workers shut off the third rail.
“What I did was something any and every New Yorker should do: If you see someone in distress do the right thing — help out" (The Globe and Mail)
Now I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have the presence of mind to do that, and I'm not saying anyone should. But I wanna be a little more positive about the world and all of us.