Sunday, January 28, 2007

Lamp Submitted For Northern Lights Awards Fine Craft Contest

The Nothern Light Awards are awards for American travel writers who write about Canada. They asked Island Artisans to submit pieces to be juried for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place awards. This is my submission. Mahoganny and hand blown glass, wed together.

I got a lot of inspiration while doing this piece. I normally do a very oriental, symetrical design. The glass in a cube form on a wood base. But I tried to do something different, mainly because I didn't like how my first design hid the wood. I put the glass in a new configuration with a lot of empty wood space. The "kite" figure of glass and the "empty" wood space achieve a certain balance. The wood also plays a more prominant role. You can see the grain pattern. The mahoganny is also 2 inches thick. Heavy. Present. I think the result is interesting and opens a ton of new possibilities. There will be more "versions" of this lamp. I want to colaborate with a glass artist who can slump (melt glass into forms) and fuse glass. I was so excited I scribbled ideas on the wall just so I wouldn't forget.

I hope I win!

Feel free to order your own make out lamp.

Use it up, use it up. Don't save a thing for later.


Suzanne Marsden said...

Wow; it's been great catching up on what you've been up to lately Patrick. The lamp looks beautiful; I like the light ethereal colour of the glass contrasting with the dark solidity of the wood. Too bad I'm not one of the Judges; good luck buddy!

Patrick Brunet said...

Thanks for massaging mon ego Sue. Well I'm off to Tim Horton's!

Anonymous said...

Mmmmmm Mahogany...

What an exquisite creation Pat. Definately a winner! The first in a long succession of winners I'm sure :) WORD!


Jessica said...

Truly beautiful. But enough about you - the lamp is lovely.

Good luck on the competish!

Anne-Marie said...

Great lamp Patrick! Love the kite shape and the colours are perfect ;) Good luck!