Saturday, January 20, 2007

Failed attempt at song recording completion

Oh, our hearts were in the right place! We were ready to work! We were aiming to finish our song "Sydney Street" and put it up online. So our work has some end...or beginning. Well, well well!!!
Jonfen's computer just kept on crashing. Task after task after simple task. Sonar was hogging something like 210,000 KB. I don't know anything about computers but every other program was running at about a twentieth of that. Let me tell you, when you click something and the computer freezes, and then stutters, and farts up a "Program Not Responding" you feel your blood pressure slowly begin to rise. Now, if that happens twenty times in a row then your reason evaporates, you violently molest the keyboard and mouse trying to persuade that computer to behave. Then you get Tourettes. And it's all a spectacle for your friends. I was laughing at Jonathan freaking out at his computer. I was all zen about it. Until I tasted the wrath of that fracking laptop. Aren't computers supposed to have made our lives easier?

We did have a modicum of enjoyment at the beginning of the session and have agreed to not be discouraged by the computers coup d'etat. Because "Sydney Street" happens to be a great co-creation of Jono and I's. He started playing something new out of the blue one fall night and the words came out of nowhere. The muse was truly courting us that evening. Now if only the Windows XP Fairy would visit us. Jonathan put that lap top under your pillow and maybe in the morning it might work.


Jessica said...

If you put a PC under your pillow, sometimes the Mac Fairy comes at night and leaves you a shiny new iBook.

Just a suggestion...

Troy Little said...

The only thing computers have done efficiently for me is to make more work for me.

Welcome to the internet Patio!